August 11, 2011

Cards I've made

Here's a few samples of cards I've made. Although not recent. I'll try to get lighting figured out for the best quality photos. If you have ANY suggestions on how to get the best photos, and from what angles, I'd really appreciate it. I'll learn to navigate this blog sooner than later. But I don't have too much time as Baby #4 is due September 15! So just about a month away! Getting excited, although there's so much I have to do.

Without further adieu---

Hope you enjoyed looking at them, and if you have any tips, please let me know.


  1. Brianna...great blog and beautiful cards! I just started a blog too and it has been so much fun.

  2. Welcome to Blogging. I can't give you any advice as I started my own blog about 2 months ago so I am learning too. Taking photos (good ones at that)of the cards I make is what seems to be the biggest challenge for me.

  3. Great cards and blog! I am planning on ordering the Falling Leaves set on the 15th-- I love how you used it!
